Evaporation and crystallization is a process that feed liquid and solid of ammonium tungstate to get to oversaturation, which makes the material’s phase change and precipitate purified crystals from the solution.
APT crystals precipitate from ammonium tungstate solution can be achieved, by that to adjust the PH of solution through loss of ammonia and get into the secondary salt formation region. The loss ammonia -adjust PH process can be achieved by evaporation crystallization process and neutralization crystallization process.
The physical properties of ammonium paratungstate crystals are decided by nucleation rate and grain rate. APT nucleation rate depends on:
(1) the velocity of APT periphery crystallized from a liquid phase, is proportional to the amount of oversaturation (difference between the solution concentration and the equilibrium concentration) of nuclei forming;
(2) the dissolution velocity of APT, that is a velocity that precipitated APT crystals goes into the solution again, it depends on the equilibrium solubility of solute. A major factor of nucleation rate is oversaturation. A new root of nucleation can only form when oversaturation up to a certain level. Growth mechanism of APT grain is still within reach. It is generally believed: After nucleation, the solute is deposited onto the lattice and gradually grow.