Characterization. Industrially produced TBO is characterized chemically by the residual ammonia content and oxygen index, leaving open the composition in regard to the different compounds and the amount of amorphous species. These determinations would be much too tedious and expensive for routine purposes. As long as APT quality and calcinaiton conditions are kept constant, the composition will be reproducible. Consequently, in many companies it is preferred not to buy TBO but APT, and to perform the blueing in-house.
Physical characterization of TBO includes particle size and distribution measure-ment by laser diffraction (macroporsity) as well as specific surface area measurement (microporsity). Particle size measurement by FSSS (Fisher Sub-sieve Sizer), as also sometimes used, is misleading, because of the porosity of the TBO particles. An empirical relationship between FSSS and particle size measured by laser scattering can, however, be detected if the microporosity of the samples is uniform (constant blueing conditions).
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Please visit our site in order to find more detail about tungsten powder.